Being A Unique Blogger – Optimizing Tips for Google Panda continued…

In our last article, “Removing Low Quality Content”, we discussed how Google Panda weeds out and lowers ranking on websites that have redundant or duplicate posts. Today we will discuss how Google Panda looks for uniquely written content using it’s new algorithms.

As we know the Panda update is geared towards policing the internet for duplicate content and blacklisting websites that steal content from other sites and use as their own.

Try to look at your spot in your industry and ask yourself:

“What is the topic that my readers will be interested in?”
“What do I offer my readers that is unique?”

Use your own ideas and bring your opinion to the table when writing up a new article/post. This will help distinguish yourself from the many others in your industry and help grow your online presence.

Even though this sounds self explanatory, this is one of the most important aspects to blogging and delivering quality content.

Stay tuned, or subscribe to our blog for our next “Essential Tip” for optimizing your site with Google Panda

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